Friday, April 28, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 02 - Designing the creative reports

When it came to designing the posters I started by picking out quotes that would make good slogans for the front of each poster. I briefly reconsidered my original idea of using advice and swapping it to the mottos of each studio:

Peter&Paul: 'Ideas Makers'

SidebySide: 'Just do good shit'

Tonic: 'Making dreams a reality'

However I realised that this wouldn't be as relevant or helpful for the young graduates that these posters were aimed at. Therefore I started picking through each interview to find relevant quotes that I could us. 


'have a better awareness of the whole process'

'not get so hung up on the output'

'have your eye on the ball'

'learning about new things and trying new things'


'Stop comparing yourself to other people'

'That is the perfect polished world and it's not real'

'We go through stress, we go through pitfalls and it's all a part of life learning'

'As a younger designer think I wish I'd known that designers can be dicks'

'In general, 80% of the designers I've met are fucking dicks and then it's so easy to get disheartened when you're a young designer sending off your portfolio and not getting responses and stuff like that and that's usually because everyone is just a fucking dick'

'You put all these designers on a pedestal and treat them like they're rock stars when in a matter of fact they're just normal people.'

'Everyone has to start out somewhere.'

'Designers are dicks apart from us.'


'Be really confident'

'(Interviewers) will probably respect your confidence and your ideas more (rather than the outcome)'

'If you have the thought behind it and interest and passion for design I think it really comes through.'

'Don't do any work for free.'

'Get real world experience'

'Don't just look for people who are advertising'

'Blanket emails are so obvious'

'Go after the jobs you want with intention.'

From the list of quotes and pieces of advice, my favorites were:

P&P: Don't get so hung up on the output 
SBS: Designers can be dicks (apart from us) 
T: Don't do any work for free

I chose these 3 because they all focussed on a different aspect of design but are all equally as relevant. I feel like they also reflected the tone of voice of each interview well. Side By Side's is quite cheeky but I felt like it reflected their personalities and their work as their interview was very informal and we had a laugh. I also feel like it is something they would put up on the wall of their studio as they don't take themselves too seriously. 

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