Tuesday, October 24, 2017

OUGD602 - Finding an Internship - Tips and Advice

  • What should you get from an internship? Experience, contacts, mentorship.
  • Dan Cooper - The Nomad Designer
  • Try things, experiments, get them out there, fail etc.
  • Stand out from the crowd
  • Cool Bus - Bought a bus and travelled around the USA. Now works as an art director at a magazine in New York. 
  • Post thing on Reddit
  • There is always value in being yourself. Unique Mix.
  • Think creatively about your career.
  • Tap into your interests and passions.
  • When applying for an internship the best way to approach a studio is to taylor something to them.
  • Research and find out their core values and the way in which they work then tactically approach them. It will immediately set you apart from the crowd. Look at previous projects which they have worked on and then replicate one of your own in their way.
  • Do it as a quick project which you can then use in your portfolio.
  • Brand guidelines that you've proposed to the brand on their behalf.
  • Shows you've researched them and their brand.
  • Send it through the post. A physical thing to come across and then open.
  • Think Tactically.

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