Monday, December 12, 2016

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 01 - Ted Talk - Simon Sinek

Today I watched the Ted Talk 'How Great Leaders inspire Action' by Simon Sinec. The talk translated easily into a multitude of different professions and the underlying message was transferrable into a number of different practices. The message was that: 

Great leaders, companies and designers answer the question of WHY they do things rather than what they do, or how they do it. This is always at the forefront of their motive and purpose and this is what makes them successful. 

This theory is defined by Sinek as the golden circle. The companies that follow this rule are the companies that consistently achieve new things and seem to defy all of the assumptions. Very few organisations know their cause, purpose or beliefs / know why they do what they do, in terms of reasons other than to make a profit - and making a profit is a result rather than a true motive. 

However the inspired leaders work from the inside out, explaining why they do something before anything else. 

'People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. The goal is not to do business with people who want what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.' - Sinek. 
This theory also works on a biological level. The cross section of the human brain is broken down into 3 different components which correspond perfectly with the golden circle. The neo cortex corresponds with the 'what' level, which is what you say and hear and can see. However the two inner sections of your brain are where your 'gut' feelings come from like trust an loyalty. This part is responsible for all human behavior and everything that we do and has no capacity for language. This instinctive and subconscious level corresponds with the 'why?' as it's the part of your brain which deciphers what 'feels' right. This is the part that makes you want to invest in something and become a part of it as this is what you believe.  

If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe. It is important to make as many people believe in the same beliefs as you to hit the tipping point into the third wave of consumers known as the 'early majority'. 

If you want mass market success or mass market acceptance of an idea you need to hit the tipping point between 15 -18% market penetration. The first 10% are consumers who just 'get it',the risk takers who trust their limbic brain and invest in the idea you're selling before anyone else. The 'Early Majority' will not try something until someone else has tried it first. Innovators and early adopters are more comfortable making these gut decisions as they are comfortable with what they believe. They want to be 'first' and will do the things that they believe to prove to the rest of the world who they are.

This video taught me to not design in pursuit of results such as money or fame, but to create things with a purpose and belief in mind at all times. Without this no-one else will believe in your product or you as a designer and the results and noone will want to invest in you as a person or the things you create/design. 

If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe in what you believe. 

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