Sunday, April 23, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 01 - COP module Evaluation

During this module I have been more relaxed about the process of writing an academic essay and combining it with a body of practical work. In terms of the academic research and written side of the module, Studio Brief One, I compiled a large body of research before I began writing my essay to ensure I had enough content for a broad and varied research project. The topic I chose, the relationship between form and function in packaging design, is something that continued to inspire me throughout the project with a wide range of theories and design practitioners that I could embed in my work.

Natural progression within a project is a process that I am still learning, but I have tried to embrace this approach in the module. My essay covered a large range of relevant topics in relation to the question including the psychology behind the form of a design, the history of form follows function, trends within the packaging industry and cultural aspects within society.

Through further reading and research, I feel my understanding of the topic and what defines form, function and aesthetics has greatly improved. Despite studying English Literature at A-Level I have sometimes struggled with the essay side of COP, particularly the use of triangulation. This is something I have tried to improve on in second year. I have also tried to build my awareness of multiple theorists, finding less predictable sources and trying to push my writing to be more interesting and critically aware. I feel like my writing still has much room for improvement, particularly in regards to Level 6 of the course, however starting my essay early and staying on top of deadlines made the process a lot less stressful this year.

In terms of the practical side of this project, having a diverse essay with lots of relevant theories and topics made brainstorming ideas for studio brief 02 a lot more straightforward than I had found previously in Level 4 of the course. Having relevant research theories to back up my design decisions made it a lot easier to make informed choices on how I wanted the practical side of the project to look. This subsequently led to feedback that reflected my original aims and ambitions for the brief.

One criticism I would give myself is that my practical work is quite safe and I could have explored some more innovative approaches and actually had my designs physically produced. However, one thing that I am really pleased with is the synthesis between my practical work and the essay, with the inclusion of quotes taken from my essay effectively communicating the relevance of my practical research.

As usability was a key feature and driving force behind my practical project, feedback was an integral part of the design process, ensuring I was constantly seeking the advice of my peers to ensure my designs were relevant and appropriate. This has made me increasingly aware of the importance of gaining feedback and above all documenting this.
Overall I am happy with the progress I have made in Level 5 of this module and hope to progress further in Level 6. For my dissertation I have chosen a research question that is entirely different to anything I have investigated before in the hope that I will be able to generate lots of fresh and interesting content, and produce a varied and dynamic thesis.

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