Sunday, May 13, 2018

OUGD602 - End of Module Evaluation

This year my main goal for PPP was to have a job lined up for after I'd finished uni. After reading countless articles online and in design magazines and hearing countless stories from creatives about trying to break into the industry I knew it would be difficult and I wasn't getting my hopes up.

After growing up and living in the countryside for 15 years it has always been my goal to move down to London after graduating from uni, and after living and working there for a month in the summer it only made me more determined to find a job and make it work. I knew I wouldn't be able to afford an unpaid internship as I don't have any friends or family living in London who's house I could crash at for 2/3 weeks, therefore the only choice I had was to find paid work because moving back home to the middle of nowhere wasn't an option. 

After getting the initial email about the iTunes internship I knew it was an extremely long shot and the probability of getting the position was 1 in thousands but I knew I would kick myself if I didn't at least apply. For every stage of the application process, I made sure I was fully prepared and did everything possible to make sure I'd given it my best shot. For the initial application, I sought advice from Sue, the careers advisor, before the online interview I got advice from Will at the Elephant room and fully prepared an elevator pitch of what I would answer for every potential question. For the actual assessment day I'd made sure I'd prepped myself well for anything they could throw at me as well as attending a portfolio workshop to make sure my work would be presented as professionally as possible. For an opportunity this big, preparation is key and I was leaving nothing to chance and astonishingly everything paid off and I got offered the position. 

The way the programme has been run this year has prepared me for the industry far more than I was ever expecting. Without building a professional looking website and putting together a strong CV and Cover letter there is no way I would have been in with a chance of getting offered the job at Apple. Our engagement with the industry has built my confidence in talking to professionals and growing my network of people I can go to for mentorship and advice. 

I've tried to visit more design conferences this year but went to the ones that actually interested me rather than for the sake of 'PPP' and this has provided me with a breadth of knowledge and advice I wouldn't have otherwise found. 

I start my new position at iTunes on the 25th of June and I'm extremely grateful to have been given this opportunity, as it is something thousands of students in the same position as me would kill for a chance to do, therefore I plan on making the absolute most of every second and definitely will not take for granted this amazing chance I have been given. 

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