Wednesday, November 18, 2015

10 Years Time

For this weeks task we had to think about where we wanted to be in 10years time covering 5 man points  and present it to the rest of the class. This task was a bit of fun but also started to get us thinking about our personal aims and ambitions for the future which is never too late to start thinking about. 

1) Job - It is my ambition to be the creative director or art director of a medium sized multi disciplinary design studio, with a bright buzzing atmosphere. I feel I haven't really found my niche in design yet but I can see myself leading a team of other creatives to find great design solutions to briefs. 

Other than that I would love to be a part of an ambitious team such as Pentagrams, a design studio in London.

I will also loved to have travelled the world a bit by this point and perhaps do a placement for a year or 2 at a design company in another country such as Hey Studio in Barcelona. 

2) Where would I work?

3) Where would I live?

4) Proudest Personal Acheievment 

5) Proudest Professional Achievement 

The session today was really good for getting to know the people in my class a bit more and seeing where they want to go/what they want to be in the future.

I thought the best presentations were the ones that featured mostly pictures to help the rest of us visualise their goals in life.  The ones that stuck out the most to me were the people who kept their presentations light and upbeat and cracking jokes. It helped the rest of us stay focussed and kept the session entertaining.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Study Task: Why am I here and what are my goals?

5 Reasons why I chose to study on this course:
  1. All the tutors were young, fun, enthusiastic, graphic designers with in depth knowledge into the field of design and amazing experience in the design world. 
  2. The course had a strong focus on learning and understanding traditional design principles as well as introducing more modern processes and cutting edge ideas, keeping the course dynamic and keeping us up to date while also preparing us for this constantly evolving industry. 
  3. The course covered a lot of design principles and the ways of teaching varied from hands on practical work, to writing and researching essays to interesting lectures and seminars from practising designers.
  4. The course allows you to work in the style that you prefer allowing you to individually grow and flourish as a designer. 
  5. Leeds College of Art is a well known institution in the design world with an impressive list of previous students and a reputation for fresh new talent. 
5 Things I want to learn during my time on this course:
  1. Become sufficient on all the adobe design software so I can think of an idea in my head and produce it myself without any limitations or restrictions. 
  2. Learn all the different design principles and how to apply them to my work as well as fully understanding their importance in design and ways they can be manipulated to create innovating new creations. 
  3. Learn and memorise a vast list of artists, designer, documentaries, events so my practice has a constant stream of inspiration and so I always have something to enrich my evolving practice as well as personal life. 
  4. Learn how to work better as part of a group, not being such a control freak and discover how to enjoy collaborating with other designers.  
  5. Learn all the skills I need to become a successful graphic designer.
5 Strengths: 
  1. Generating ideas and brainstorming (I'm good at thinking of multiple ideas on the spot and developing them into more in-depth concepts)
  2. Drawing / Painting / Illustration / Photography (Got A* at Alevels for fine art and textiles, and progressed these skills on my foundation course)
  3. Time Management and organisation (I manage my time well to meet deadlines and I'm good at prioritising workloads do I always get everything finished on time)
  4. Motivation (I'm good at motivating myself to get briefs started and progressing through projects)
  5. Working independently (I like working by myself to get work done so I have full control over all areas.)
5 Areas for Improvement: 
  1. Working with others (I'm a bit of a perfectionist/ control freak so I find working with other people frustrating and annoying sometimes. I want to improve on this because as a designer you have to collaborate with other artists and designers as part of a team or to get specific projects finished.)
  2. Screen Printing / anything in the print room (I haven't had much experience with printing posters using other methods rather than printing out on a computer so it would be a fun and useful skill to learn)
  3. Adobe software skills (My skills in these programmes are very basic and I have never used inDesign)
  4. Knowledge of design Principles (I want to become fully competent in understanding design principles such as grids, layout and colour theory so i can utile them effectively in my work so my designs are fully considered and thought out)
  5. Identifying what inspires me / Designers I like / Work I aspire to produce. (I'm not very good at remembering / talking about who inspires me / my opinion on artists work so I want to build a good library of artists work that I can relate my developing practice to. 
5 Things that inspire me: 
  1. Desert Island Disks (Especially Dame Judy Dench's and Stephen Fry's)
  2. Watching Documentaries such as Bill Cunningham New York and Made You Look
  3. People Watching in Town and Yik Yak
  4. Blogs such as BOOOOOM!
  5. Hanging out with my friends
5 Examples of Design that demonstrate my fields of creative interest: 

1. Delphine Chanet Photography // Especially her series for the Discovery Award at the annual Recontres d'Arles photography festival [ here ]

2. Hans Fex's Mini Museum // THEY'RE SO COOL! They take minuscule pieces of real dinosaur bones, meteorites and fossilised insects etc. and incase them in a piece of acrylic for you to have sat on your desk or on a shelf at home I WANT ONE! 

3.  Video: Sum // Studiocanoe I love anything where statistics are presented in a beautifully considered, visually stimulating way. Whether it's this video by studiocanoe where they guide you through the average statistics of a human life or infographics such as Information is Beautiful by David McCandless.

4. Hand Rendered Typography designs such as Corina Nika's Work. 
5. Lucinda Rogers Illustrations.  I love the differation in thickness of line she uses in her drawings to make them dynamic and interesting. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Time Management!

10 Killer Time Management Tips for Artists

My Favourite Tip from this article was buying/setting up a stop watch/timer and working against the clock to motivate you to get work done in the set time period. 

14 Time Management Tips for Creatives

14 clearly presented points to help with your time management with helpful explanations for each. 

'The busier you are the easier it will be. You ever hear that quote, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person”? That’s because when we’re crunched for time we tend to keep moving, keep doing. We don’t procrastinate. We’re in the flow, so to speak.'

Helpful App: Rescuetime 

Tracks your productivity, shows you which websites you spend the most time on,blocks you from chosen websites to eliminate procrastination. Lite (free) and full versions available.  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Events on: November!

What: Photography Exhibition
Where: White Cloth Gallery, Leeds
When: 9th October - 7th December
About: Four photographers capturing quintessential images of the North, from around Leeds and beyond. 

Coming from Sheffield and having lived Up'North my whole life this is an event that really interested me and I'm intrigued to see whether the images exhibited will capture the same essence of what I believe it means to be a Northerner. 

Event: Belgrave Feast & Arts Market
What: Street Food, Drink, Music, Art and Cinema. 
Where: Belgrave Music Hall, Leeds
When: 14th November
About: Set over 3 floors, this free event celebrates the finest Street food from up North swell as showcasing a range of music acts and hosting an arts market on the first floor! 

Belgrave was one of the first bars I ever visited in Leeds before coming here to uni, so already I have a soft spot for the place. Its unlike any venue I've ever visited before and with it's roof garden and lively atmosphere, whats not to love? 

I'm super excited for this event as it combines pretty much every thing I love under one awesome roof! Live Music, Great food and to top it all of an arts market. You'd be crazy to miss it (especially when it's free!)

Friday, October 16, 2015

10 Sources of Inspiration

"You are what you read"

Be aware of whats going on around and seeing things differently.

Penny's top 10 picks:

-Ted Talks

-Do lectures - less corporate ted talks
-The Chicken Shed Chronicles (newsletter)
-The Plant Hunter
-Radio 4
-Dazed & Confused


- Desert Island Disks // David Attenborough // Stephen Fry // Lemn Sissay // Lists professions underneath // Many interesting and talented individuals from all walks of life// Fav DID: Stephen Fry.

-BOOOOOM! // Fun and current design Blog // Short summaries of work, mainly picture based // Fav Post: Interesting video of a keyboard that you can use to write unique 'hand written' looking letters.

-Twitter Page One Minute Briefs // Briefs set for various products with one minute to come up with a design solution // Winner Picked every time // Fav Post: brief outcome celebrating the anniversary of Printed Cup Company.

-NYLON // Magazine and online blog on fashion, music, pop culture and makeup etc. // Very humorous 'down with the kids tone' // Fav Post: Inspiring story of a Girl growing up in Sierra Leone to become a successful ballet dancer. 

-Dieline // Current and cutting edge packaging designs // Features work by Students // Fav Post: Cruse Wine Co. Packaging designs combining edgy graffiti art with classical portraits, to give it's wine a vibrant up to date facelift. 

-Newgrids // Latest in creative work, artistic theories & technology // Short snappy summaries // Fav Post: Interesting opinion on whether the ebook will replace the book. 

-Nowness // Blog on everything from fashion to music // Mainly Video Posts // Thorough Analysis // Fav Post: Quentin Jones, Miley Cyrus Video and interesting article about it, with their insightful view on Miley Cyrus. 

-Computer Arts Magazine // Magazine on graphic design and illustration // Fav feature: Beautifully illustrated map of new city each issue, with the best places for creatives to visit.

-Cocorina // Corina Nika Blog // Graphic Designer, Typographer, Photographer // A lot of beautiful hand rendered work // Fav Post: Any of her hand lettering projects. 

-Sight Unseen // Colourful Design blog on anything from Graphic Design to Illustration // Fav Post: Showcases by beautiful work by Japanese artist and print maker Kumi Sugai, sadly passed away in 19996, his work is way ahead of it's time and still looks current today. 

Monday, October 12, 2015


Friday was 'Light Night' in Leeds, with events spanning across the city relating to both light and art.

I saw 2 and a half events on the night which were:
  1. Light projections on the Vernon Street building. I was slightly annoyed because I heard rumours that there would be iPads that the public could draw on which would then get projected onto the side of the building but there weren't when I got there...
  2. A 30 minute long video called 'a year in the life of the sun' by Uni-of physics students in Leeds Cathedral.  The instillation was compiled of images taken from NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory, to represent a year in the life of the sun, hence the name.

and the 'half' was a fire show outside the Town Hall. I couldn't actually see half of it because I'm too short. 

Overall I wish I'd taken the time to research what was going on before heading in to town as it was so busy that it was hard to navigate where I was going/ find the good events happening. However I loved the overall atmosphere of everywhere and the sense of community it created.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The John Peel Lecture by Brian Eno [ Lecture ]

Today I finished watching an extrmely inightful and thought provoking lecture on the ecology of culture by Brian Eno. In the lecture he talked about his views on the relationship art has with society and discussed the ideas that he had on the future.

He first adressed the issue that the education sector favour 'Stem' subjetcs over the arts and beleive they have more value and greater importance in the real world. Stem relates to Sience, technology, engineering and mathemics, and even the imagery surrounding the word stem relates to the central 'core' subjects that everything grow from. 

The most interesting points he made I noted down (there are a lot) :
Ask 20 scientists what the meaning of science is and you'll get 20 different variations of the same answer. Ask 20 artists the same question and you'll get 15 different answers of what art is as their is no clear definition. 

His attempt at defining art is that: 'art is everything you don't have to do'.

You HAVE to eat but don't have to invent baked Alaskas.

You HAVE to wear clothes but don't have to wear Chanel dresses and Doc Martins.

Art is essential needs embellished.

Movement is essential but you don't have to dance.

Humans elaborate the basic activity of movement and stylise it.  This is art.

Communication - additional stuff like poetry, singing, novels. This is art.

We care an awful lot about how we style ourselves and invest a lot of time and effort into it. 

We could all survive without doing any of these things but we still do it and want to do it. Everybody on earth. Almost all time and energy is put to stylising things and appreciating other peoples styles. 

One of the biggest questions in science is 'why do we like music?'. Why do we have preferences? We have very fine distinctions on the things we prefer. Nobody knows but it is important to us.

Children like to play 'let's pretend' and that is the most valuable way in which they learn. 'Lets imagine' is the central human trick that distinguishes us from other animals. We can imagine worlds that don't exist. And play out whole scenarios. Experience empathy by feeling what the world is like in someone else's head. Children start world building as soon as they can, growing into humans rather than animals at an early age. 

Finland lets children learn by playing and imaging things til an older age and doesn't force them into things like reading until they want to. However studies show that this method works as Finland have the best grades. 

Imagination is the basis of everything creative. Designing wedding cakes, building governments, creating football teams etc. and art is the grown up version of 'playing'. The construction of little worlds. 

Another defining feature of art is the way it gives us a chance to have feelings about things that aren't dangerous. It's a safe place to have extreme and dangerous feelings. Acts like a simulator, simulating worlds that you can switch off. 

William McNeal 'dance and drill in human history' explains that humans experience extreme pleasure when people synchronise themselves - dancing, carnivals. 

Old ladies talking about corrrie on the bus are synchronising. 

In a month of our lifetimes the same amount of things change as in the whole of the 14th century.

Everyone has an interest in one thing that's happening. No one is an expert on everything. Culture (the creative arts) is a collective ritual we are all engaged in. And this is the only way we can synchronise is this fast paced, ever changing world.

Eno's definition of culture is coherence between the community. 

Scenious (a word invented by Eno) is the 'talent' of a whole community. The community is an Eco system, we feed off each other- everyone is important and everyone thrives together. Co-dependant and  rebalancing. Richly interconnected. Take one thing out and it collapses.

New ideas are articulated by individuals but generated by communities. Praise always tends to go to the individual but they couldn't have done it without the community that they drew from. 

Genius- talent of an individual. 

Social engineering of things like NHS, BBC, the dole. Set up out of Generosity for the future. We are moving into era of abundance and cooperation and things are going to accelerate and we have to find new ways to remain coherent. 

Constantly remoulding ourselves by getting a sense of what everyone else is thinking collectively.  Formulte your own opinions off that.

Art and culture is the central thing that we do, not just a little add on. 

Barbara errenwrights 'dancing in the street' quote shows how we all need to start communicating together more to acheiev happiness and coherance in life.  

Interesting points made in the Question and Answer Included:

'Technology are the things that don't work properly let' grand pianos and bicycles work but aren't considered technology. The problem is keeping up with new technoogy. 

Technology and art is going to kick us onto a new evolutionary level.

Sapiens: A brief history of human kind, by Yuval Harari talks about the 3 defining  revolutionary moments in mankind.
Cognitive revolution is where we started talking to each other and forming languages. The 2nd is Agricultural revolution where we started making cities and civilisations. The scientific revolution, is where we manipulate the world how we want it and learn to contort it. Now we are entering post human revolution. We start to build the future with beings more intelligent than us. Utopia but some people have to let go of the profits. 

All of the increase in productivity is going right to the top end of the scale. Graph 3" by 2" . 80% people at the bottom of the graph living on 2-4 dollars a day, then it goes up sharply at the end of the graph to the 20% that live in the rich west. 

If graph was to scale the end of the graph would have been 23 stories high. 

We can't keep going that way the wealth is too ridiculous. 

I took away so many interesting points from this lecture and plan to research into 
the German experiment where everyone got a living wage and had time to indulge in culture eg. reading the books you've been meaning to and watching films etc. 

Also want to look more into the graph on World wealth.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Getting to know people

Our first task in PPP was to explore the work of 12 Graphic design studios from around the world. We were spit into 12 groups and each given a company to research, then present our findings in a slideshow to the rest of the class. 
The Design company we were given was called Build

  • Originally based in London, they moved to Yorkshire in 2015
  • Founded by Michael C. Place and Nicky Place in 2001
  • They are an Internationally recognised U.K. based design company
  • Worked with a number of widely recognised brands such as Nike, Microsoft,, getty images and Virgin America.
  • They Specialise in branding and identity.
  • Their work has been published in over one hundred books and magazines worldwide
  • Their style is very minimalistic and focuses a lot on using type to communicate a clear message in their work. 
  • They stick to a limited colour palette of 2 or 3 complimentary colours and their work is usually kept 2D, reminiscent of screen printing. 
  • The are soon to set up an online shop.
  • The design studio is very intimate comprised of only 4 designers.

    • The other 11 Studios are: 
    • AH*HA Studio - Lisbon based design studio founded by University friends Carolina Cantante and Catrina Carreiras in 2011. Specialise in a wide range of design areas from advertising to interior design. Clients include: Converses, Avo, mercado.

    • Hey Studio - Barcelona based design studio founded in 2007 with the aim of transforming ideas into communative graphics. Specialise inbound identity, editorial design and illustration. Clients include: Oxfam, Apple, Coca-cola.

    • Sagmeister & Walsh - New York based design firm founded by Stefan Sagmeister and co. run by Jessica Walsh. Specialise in creating identities, commercials, website, apps, films, books nd objects for their clients, audiences and themselves. Clients include: Frooti, function engineering, Levis.

    • HeyDays - Norwegian design company based in Oslo aim of pushing the boundaries and working collaboratively with clients to produce bespoke pieces of design taylor made to suit the image of your brand. Clients include: Berg & Berg, Wesley Mann & Hardhaus.

    • Lust - Multidisciplinary design studio based in the Netherlands founded in 1996 by Jeroen Barendse. Specialises in a range of different design practices. Interested in experimenting with and exploring new pathways of design in their own lab. Clients Include: Berlage institue, Loos- Space festival, urban nebula.

    • Studio Dumbar - Netherlands based design company, founded in 1977 by Gert Dumbar. Specialises in the visual expression of brand and organisations both online and offline. Clients include: Transavia airline,  Dutch Police, TNT Green office. 

    • Elmwood - Studios based in Leeds, London, New York, HongKong, Singapore, Melbourne. Elmwood is 'the worlds most effective brand design consultancy.' Clients include: Walmart, the FA and Comic Relief.

    • Bleed - Multidisciplinary design company based in Oslow and Vienna founded by Svein Haakon Lia and Dag Solhaug Laska. Specialise in creating identity and experience through concept development, art direction, graphic design and service design. Clients Include: JOOP, Pepsi and Monier.

    • Face - Mexico based, 'Supermodernist' design team established in 2006. Aims to design branding that will stand the test of time. Clients Include: Orange, Folio Magazine, School Hub.

    • Dessein - based in Perth, Australia the design company was established in 1987 by Geoff Bickford and Tracy Kenilworth. They specialise in brand identity especially logo, packaging and signage designs. Clients Include: Rubra, Zena and Snug as a Bug. 
    • Wolf Ollins - Founded by the late Wally Ollins and Michael Wolf in 1965, the London based design company was originally created help organisations create less corporate brand identities. They specialise in groundbreaking and experimental designs, more striking than those of their competitors. Clients include London 2012 Olympics (they designed the logo), The National Lottery and EE. 

    [All images taken from the individual studios Websites]