Monday, March 14, 2016

Vector Drawings

Over the past few weeks I've discovered that Graphic Design isn't all about grids, layouts and typefaces. It is possible to be experimental wherever you can be and incorporate illustration and drawings into your designs wherever possible, as if you have a talent you may aswell show it off. 

However it lead me to thinking where I could combine my two interests and this brought me to vector drawings. These clean simple designs use block colours and uncomplicated shapes to create really interesting drawings. 

The first two here I feel wouldn't be too complicated to reproduce similar outcomes and look really effective due to their limited colour palette.

The first is by Malika Favre and is inspired by local architecture in Fuerteventura.

The Second is by Hey, a Barcelona based design studio specialising in brand identity, illustration and editorial design.'Using geometry, colour and bold typography they've developed a strong signature style, and constantly strive for a minimalist purity in their work. Inspired by travel, exploration, innovation and 'nice people', they're as passionate about their personal projects as they are their commercial ones. Put simply, they love what they do.'
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These examples are more complicated. The first by Owen Davey uses a lot more different shapes, colours and layers and would therefore be harder to produce and the second by Cranio Dsgn uses much more detailed lines. I will perhaps need to invest in a wacom tablet if I wanted to produce similar results. 

Finally here is an example of how vector drawings can be combined with illustration, typography and printing methods to create really visually interesting pieces of design. 

Left: Inca Pan             Right: Aurélie Guillerey, La sirène

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