Sunday, May 7, 2017

OUGD502 - PPP Module Evaluation

At the start of the module, I had already had my first taste at contacting creative professionals (through submitting illustrations to the Happy Newspaper), working with them on current projects in the industry and had had my first experience of paid work, designing a flier for the WEA. Having this experience before the module begun really boosted my confidence, therefore when it came to contacting the design studio's in Sheffield, I didn't feel as nervous, which I think was reflected in the way I got a response from everyone I contacted. 

Studio Brief 02 has helped me discover how I really love interviewing professionals and learning from their real-life experiences. The collaborative project for studio brief 03 'Life's A Pitch' was further influenced by this and as a group we are hoping to try and make our proposal a reality over the summer, contacting professionals for further interviews and expanding our number of contacts in the industry before graduating. 

PPP this year has really made a difference in the way I view design and has reignited my passion for the subject, making me excited for the possibilities this degree will present after university. Watching documentaries such as Netflix's Abstract and engaging in talks with some of the industries biggest names such as Justus Ohler from Pentagram, Berlin has been really empowering for me and reflecting on them has really benefited my practice. 

This year I have also found myself becoming more aware of the issues facing female designers once they graduate and have made it a personal goal to not let this get in my way or deter my efforts as I have the skills and knowhow to approach any brief as creatively and innovatively as any other designer, male or female. 

The interviews gave me some really valuable advice on how to approach both design in general and life after I graduate and I am now focussing on the steps I can be taking towards being a successful graduate and applicant for design jobs and internships.

Another way in which I have engaged with the design world more this year was by attending exhibitions, talks and studio visits. This has allowed me to make more of a connection and really see and understand what is happening within the real world of design. My next step for 3rd year would be to try and engage myself in conversation with more creatives at these events, to help develop my networking skills. I did this a couple of times this year by speaking to the girls at She Does Digital, but I would like to develop more confidence to approach people and build my network of contacts in this way.
Next year I'm planning on booking onto career track Tuesdays as unfortunately I missed out on the opportunity this year and I feel it would benefit my knowledge for getting a job. I'm also hoping to start considering the design studios where I would like to intern this Summer and in Level 6. 

Over the course of the year I have developed a lot from first year and have learned an array of both practical and technical skills, inside and outside of the field of design. Before the year flocking and foiling was a mystery to me but now I feel competent at both. Through working for and contacting professionals I have learned how to invoice, sort tax and simply liaise with creatives in a professional manner. 

This summer I have booked to go to Barcelona with Bethan and Anna from my course, where we are planning on doing a few studio visits to get a feel for the design scene in the city as it is somewhere I can see myself working in the future. I also plan on relaxing and having some fun after this hectic term and am excited to be going to Glastonbury for the first time. The Penguin Award ceremony is also in June and I am looking forward to using it as a chance to do some more networking and meeting professionals from the industry. Then I hope to get some internships under my belt at a few graphic design agencies that I am applying to such as Cellar Door in Cheltenham. I want to carry on designing over the summer whether that is for set briefs or personal projects as at the beginning of the year I found the transition back into studio life quite difficult after having three months off. I will also continue to practice using programmes such as After Effects so I don't forget the skills I have learnt this year. I also want to properly set up my Behance  over the summer and add more work to my Instagram by professionally photographing all the projects I have done since level 4. 

The presentations I did for studio brief 01 definitely improved my confidence and helped me feel more comfortable when speaking in front of a large group of people although its still an area with room for improvement. 

Overall I am excited for the opportunities that are going to present themselves to me this summer and through to Level 6 and this year has given me the confidence to reach out and grab them. 

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