Monday, May 8, 2017

OUGD502 - Summer and Level 6 Planning

I am still in shock about how fast 3rd year and Level 6 of the course has come around, however, I am really excited for opportunities that are to come in these next stages. I have already started planning my dissertation which has been somewhat inspired by the OUGD502 PPP modules this year. Hoping to interview a range of professionals for valuable primary research and identifying creatives I could see myself working with in the future.

Amazingly I got shortlisted for the Children's cover category of the 2017 Penguin book awards this year alongside 10 other talented entrants including a Level 5 Illustrator from LCA. The award ceremony is in June and the first prize of the competition is an internship at the Penguin Offices in London over the summer. It would be an incredible experience however due to the competitive nature of the competition and the level of talent this year I'm not getting my hopes up and will wait to see what happens next. I have an internship lined up in Cheltenham at Cellar Door over the summer for a couple of weeks to look forward to if Penguin doesn't work out, which will provide me with some excellent experience regardless. It will be really beneficial for my practice to get some real world experience in before the start of Level 6.

As part of the 10-14 briefs we have to complete on top of Level6 Context of Practice I hope to do a number of live briefs again as I really enjoyed them this year. YCN, D&AD, Penguin hopefully secret 7 are the main ones I plan to take part in as well as a couple of collaborative projects. After talking to the 3rd years about their experiences in Level6 I really need to get my time management skills perfected in order to stay on top of deadlines and not lose my mind. Therefore I'm hoping to start planning my dissertation as soon as possible and making a start on the creative briefs in September. 

Over the summer Bethan, Anna and I have booked to go to Barcelona and are hoping to visit a couple of design studios whilst we are there including HeyStudio, Toormix and Studiostore. 




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