Wednesday, February 1, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 02 - Contacting the Studios by Phone

I have decided that the 3 Sheffield design studios I want to interview are Tonic, SideBySide and Peter&Paul. Each studio has a unique design element and a new perspective to add to the report. I'm hoping to make a report on the opportunities Sheffield has for graduate graphic designers. 

My game plan is to first ring each studio telling them:
  • My Name
  • Where and what I study
  • My aims for the project
  • How I'd like them to get involved 
  • What they will receive if they agree to get involved
This way I can get an instant response on whether or not they would like to get involved in the project which I can then follow up with an email containing further information. Ringing rather than emailing as a first point of contact is a good way to ensure my message doesn't get lost in the mass of emails many designers are constantly receiving.

To ensure I don't get muddled up in my words I will write down everything I want to say and the bullet pointed list on a notepad to read off when I ring them as aI'm sure nerves could easily kick in at any moment. 

Practice dialogue:

'Hi there is that_______? (Oliver/Dave)

I'm ringing as I was wondering whether you would be interested in taking part in an interview for a publication I am making on the opportunities Sheffield has to offer young designers, focussing particularly on modern (up and coming), forward thinking design studios in Sheffield. 

I noticed you did a talk at Glug with a similar theme a few months back to encourage creative talent to stay up North and that it's not all about London. 

The project would include a physical outcome that you could have a copy of.'


After ringing all 3 studios, each one confirmed that they would be happy to do an interview. Therefore there is no need to contact any further studios at this current time. 

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