Friday, February 10, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 02 - Emailing Tonik

Email to Emily Cox, the creative director at Tonik: 



Despite sending over the list of questions via email, unfortunately Emily was very busy at the time and I never got a response. However I didn't let this deter me. A few weeks later I rang Tonik again to ask if I could come in for a chat. Again we couldn't organise a date that suited the both of us to meet up in the studio, so I never got a chance to look around Tonik's office space. 

Emily did however agree to conduct the interview with me over the phone. This meant that the tone of voice and length of the interview matched that of SideBySide's and Peter&Paul's, creating consistency over across the 3 with them all having the same conversational tone. 

I'm really glad that I didn't give up on getting the chance to speak to Emily as the interview was really informative and gave me lots to think about with loads of helpful advice. 

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