Friday, February 3, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 01 - BUILD Talk

This week Nicky Place from Build came to give us a talk about his work which was very inspiring. 

He began by talking about his inspiration being mainly music and record sleeves, eg Motorhead and Iron Maiden etc.

When he first began designing he had to do work that was 'pre-computer' using processes and materials such as letraset and collage to create work, which I found really interesting.

He also talked about Neville Brady and recommended a book called "The Graphic Language of Kevin Brady".
One of his views on design was that "Pretty Graphic Design is boring". He liked graphic design that has meaning and a purpose.

He spoke of his career and how he decided to go to Newcastle Uni to do a Graphic Design which he did not enjoy and this was a bump in the road for his career. It was refreshing to hear that despite a somewhat unsuccessful start to his career as a designer, with determination and perseverance he has worked hard and is dong really well now. 

He went on talk about how "London isn't the only place for good Graphic Design" as he spent a few months interning for ID magazine in London and hated it.

Vaughn Oliver is someone else that inspired him and who was also inspired by music, this shows me that when looking into people who I would like to intern with etc, that finding people with similar interests is a bonus.

He also stated "I'm not a brilliant Graphic Designer I'm an interesting Graphic Designer."

One thing he suggested was to find something that you enjoy outside of design such as a fun hobby as other things should influence your work, not just current graphic design trends.

He quit his job for a year when he was younger to travel the world with his girlfriend as he felt like he had got himself in a rut in graphic design. He said that he would highly recommend this as he learnt to love graphic design again after having a break from it.

He suggested not to specialise in one certain area of graphic design, you should be able to do all areas as this would benefit you. He also stated that it is not essential to learn coding, as there are people that he gets to do this for him so that he can focus mainly on the design.

He finally stated that he enjoys working with rules when it comes to designing for a client, therefore he asks a lot of questions in the briefing so that he cant go wrong within the design. He also said that he really enjoys seeing the impact that design can have on small business', as he has worked for companies such as NIKE he could have said that he really enjoyed that but he definitely enjoyed benefiting smaller companies more.

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