Monday, February 13, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 02 - Interview Questions for Tonik

1) If you could describe your studio in three words, what would they be? 

2) How was the design studio Tonik conceived?

3) Where did the name "Tonik" come from?

4) What is the most rewarding part of being a designer at Tonik, and why? 

5) I see your studio is a multidisciplinary design studio, doing everything from typography to web design, what do you think are the benefits to working in this kind of environment, over one that specialises in a certain area?

6) Your portfolio showcases a range of styles, how do you and your team usually set about approaching a new project?

7) What things do you take inspiration from?

8) If you had to choose, what is your favorite area of Design?

9) What made you choose Sheffield as the place to set up Tonik?

10) Where is your favorite place in Sheffield to visit when you're feeling uninspired?

11) What do you hope for Sheffield as a city in the future?

12) Is there anything you’ve learned over the years as a designer that you would want to share with your younger self? 

Examples of Tonic's work from their portfolio:

Branding for Oisoi food market

Branding for Portland House

Branding for Foxwood

Branding for Chinampas

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