Tuesday, February 27, 2018

OUGD602 - iTunes - Interview Experience

On Monday I went down to London to an assessment day for Apple iTunes internship programme. The whole day was fun but also really challenging. The day started with a Q&A round with the hiring managers from each of the different departments at Apple such as music, the app store and iBooks. Each hiring manager told us a bit about the role and typical duties of the job. We then got the chance to ask questions about iTunes and the roles. After that we had quick fire 'speed dating' interviews where we had 5 minutes to meet the hiring managers for the roles we applied to and answer as many questions as possible. I had interviews with the design department and movies/film department. Afterwards we had a break for lunch and got to chat with the interns from previous years who had stayed on at iTunes. We then got tasked with doing a group project - to create a campaign that promotes pre existing apple products such as apps, music and books. I came up with the idea of creating a campaign that showcases products to do with promoting mindfulness called 'an apple a day'. The team agreed that it was a good idea so we went with it and created a short presentation on the target audience, background information, design choices such as typography and colour palette and products it would promote. We had 40 minutes to make the presentation and then had to present it to the entire group and the hiring managers. Our group's idea was completely different to the other groups which was positive and everyone seemed to like the idea and the name. We then took another break while they decided who to interview further and who would be sent home. Thankfully I was kept on to the second part of the afternoon where I had 2 further one on one interviews and a chat with the hiring team. I felt the interviews in the afternoon went well and I'm happy with how I came across and presented myself. I'll hear back this week whether I got the job or not but there were a lot of talented candidates and only 1 job for every 5 people so I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm proud that I got through to this stage as 2,000 people did the video interview for all the roles and only 50 people got asked to the assessment day. After getting cut further only 25 people have made it through to this stage so whatever the outcome I'm proud to say I got this far. 

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